Enjoy DIY color mixing at your pleasure and enjoy flawless skin at any time. 让你随心所欲,享受DIY调色乐趣,时时刻刻拥有无瑕美肌。
In the color mixing tray of seasons, spring is gorgeous, while spring wind is pleasant. 在季节的调色盘上,春天是绚丽的;但是春风却是温馨的。
As a white coloring pigment, it is flexible to match any top coat through color mixing as required, which can simplify the preparation process of painting and coating significantly. 该颜料由于是白色,因此可根据需要调色配套面漆可不受限制,从而可简化漆装工艺,涂装工艺。
The color sizing and additive join the mixing head directly, reduction of cost, increase of efficiency ( optional parts). 色浆和添加剂直接进入混合头,降低成本,提高效率(选装部件);
The Research on screw mixing technology of injection molding machine& Color mixing problems solution of toolbox 注塑机螺杆混色技术的研究&工具箱混色技术问题的解决
The apple vinegar will be deepen color, back mixing and other problems, when the apple vinegar is produced or preserved. 苹果醋在其生产和贮存过程中,存在着醋体颜色加深,返混等现象。
Because of the special nature of raw materials may lead to slightly different color differences between batches, we do not recommend mixing different batches of the product. 因为原材料的特殊性可能导致不同批次之间的颜色略有差异,我们建议不要混合使用不同批次的产品。
Application of liquidized reactive dyestuffs to automatic color mixing system is undergone. 采用不同的活性固体染料进行液体化,应用于自动调浆系统。
Brief introduction to color mixing in digital printing 数码印花的调色方法简介
There are mainly two types of color mixing techniques, additive mixing and subtractive mixing. The actual mixing technology and its final quality are greatly determined by the objective and evaluating model of color reproduction. 颜色的混合主要包括加法混色和减法混色两大类,而颜色再现的目标及其评价机制,则决定了颜色混合的技术工艺以及最后获得的混色质量指标。
Based on modern color theory, advanced computer technology and the fact of human sensitiveness and accuracy to color, a practical system for mixing color and design has been developed. 以现代颜色理论为基础,结合先进的计算机技术,利用人眼观察颜色最敏感、最准确的特点,通过实验室实验数据,探索出了一种颜色调配、管理、设计的思路。
The algorithm used in neural network is mainly about BP algorithm and improved BP algorithm that are used to realize the nonlinear mapping between the information of color and the mixing proportion of different dyes. 神经网络配色算法的研究主要采用BP算法及改进BP算法来实现颜色信息与配方的非线性映射。
According to color mixing system theory, chromaticity and spline interpolation method, a new interpolation method of calculating special color ink formula is processed in this paper. 根据混色系统理论、色度学及样条插值方法,提出了一种计算专色油墨配方的方法。
According to the lesson of an accident of ships 'collision, the influence of brightness contrast and color contrast on the identifiability of ship lights has been analyzed using the evaluating formula of brightness contrast, visibility level and H. Grassmann color mixing law; 从一起船舶碰撞事故的教训出发,分别利用亮度对比度、可见度水平的计算公式和格拉斯曼的颜色混合定律分析了亮度对比度和颜色对比度对船舶号灯可识别性的影响;
This paper introduces the color television trichromatic mixing theories and the methods of creating and using CAI software for color televison trichromatic mixing experiment. 介绍了彩色电视三基色混色原理及三基色混色实验CAI课件实现方法。
The paper dissertates the calculation of color matching with tricolor based on the color mixing theory and CIE chromaticity system and makes the light of red, green and blue LED be the tricolor. 论文以红绿蓝三种颜色LED发光管所发出的光为三原色,以颜色相加原理为理论基础,以CIE色度系统为应用基础,论述了三原色配色的计算,确定了三原色的配色比例;
In image-based product presentation, we design a new texture mapping and color mixing method for textile products. This method is simple and practical, can generate realistic texture-mapped images. 在基于图像的商品虚拟展示研究中,设计了一种新的纹理映射和色彩融合方法,方法简单实用,且能产生高度逼真的映射纹理图案。
The Analysis of the Coupling Process of the Technology on Color Mixing of Optical Fiber in Large Screen Laser Display System 大屏幕激光显示系统中光纤混色技术的耦合过程分析
Application of liquidized reactive dyestuff to automatic color mixing system 活性染料自动调浆系统的应用实践
The dissertation expatiates on the material, lighting mechanism and related characters of LED. In the paper, the color mixing theory and related chromatic theory and vision characters of eyes are discussed, which are the theory and application foundation of color LED products. 论文阐述了LED的材料、发光原理及相关特性,论述了LED应用产品混色的颜色相加原理及与此原理相关的色度学理论及人眼视觉特性。
Application of Color Mixing of Optical Fiber Techniques in Large Screen Laser Display 光纤混色技术在大屏幕激光显示中的应用研究
Automatic color mixing system with liquidized dyestuffs can greatly enhance the productivity and reduce the cost. 使用自动调浆系统大大提高了生产效率,降低了生产成本。
Based on the theory of color mixing, a large number of experimental data are analyzed and processed in the paper, with the Matlab mathematical toolbox as the modeling aided tool to elaborate the mathematical relationship between the different concentrations of dyeing sample and tristimulus values CMY. 以色彩混合原理及理论为基础,通过分析和处理大量的实验数据,以Matlab数学工具箱为建模辅助工具,阐述了在计算机配色过程中不同染料浓度与染色小样的三刺激值CMY之间的数学关系。
We found that the blue color is purely from the spongy microstructures in the barbs, while green and yellow are produced by the color mixing of the blue color from the spongy microstructures and pigments. 我们发现羽毛的蓝色纯粹来自于羽枝中的海绵状微结构,而绿色和黄色是由海绵状微结构产生的散射加上表皮中的色素吸收混合而成。
System optimization of the light source lighting methods, according to the characteristic of LED based on voltage source automatic control, and the color light color mixing. 系统优化了光源的打光方式,根据LED的特点采用电压源自动控制,并对三色光进行混色。
Generally speaking, the work of this thesis can be summarized as follow: 1. Developed a color mixing simulation program based on the colorimetric theory and color mixing principle. 本文主要工作有:1、基于色度学理论和混光原理编制了仿真程序。
The basic principle of colorimetry containing color space, color mixing and color analysis. 介绍了色度学的基本原理,包括颜色空间、颜色混合和色差分析。
This method not only overcome the shortcomings of the original image with colors overlap and low target contrast, but also avoid the characteristics, which are true color, color mixing and uneven illumination, of original image from the S component diagram. 3. 此方法不仅能克服原图像中颜色重叠和目标对比度低等不利于分割的缺点,而且从S分量图上避开了原图像的真彩色、颜色混合和光照不均等特性。
From the perspective of three-color theory, any long-afterglow color can be obtained by mixing red, green and blue long-afterglow materials in proportion ratio. 从三基色原理的角度考虑,将红、绿、蓝色长余辉材料按一定比例混合,就可以获得任意颜色的长余辉。
In order to simulate the mixed color effect of point-patch texture, two mixing color model are proposed in RGB and HSV color space. 为了模拟点块状纹理的不同混色效果,本文提出RGB彩色空间和HSV彩色空间两种混色模型。